Wednesday, March 28, 2012

(almost) Wordless Wednesday: Pottery Class!

Last weekend, Steve and I took a pottery class! It's a pretty funny story, which I will tell later, but here's me and my second project, yes second, a small bowl!

More pictures and the story to follow!

Have you ever done a pottery class???


Lilly Forever! said...

How neat! I have not tried a pottery class, but it is on my "to do" list! Keep up the good work!

Anne said...

I have never tried but I love collecting all kinds of pottery!

KatiePerk said...

Umm. HOW AWESOME! That is such a fun thing to do!

Meg @ write meg! said...

Pottery class looks and sounds fun! Spencer and I were talking about taking a metal clay class of some sort, but haven't done it yet. It's so fun to learn new things!