Friday, August 15, 2008

more dinner

I just ran down to Whole Foods with the intention of grabbing sushi for lunch. While I walked by the seafood section, I saw a lovely piece of salmon that was just the perfect size for my dinner tonight. Steve's in Indianapolis, so it's just me.

If you were me, how would you cook the salmon? I've cooked salmon many times before, I'm just looking for new inspiration :)


Janssen said...

This is one of my easy favorites:

Anonymous said...

i love to wrap salmon in foil and add spices, lemon juice and veggies in there with it and put it in the oven. Of course, I make this for the fam, I don't actually eat salmon. haha

Dolce said...

This is delicious!!! And healthy!

Britni said...

I think maybe green salmon? Yum. It was good to finally meet you to day. What'd you think of the movie?