Thursday, February 10, 2011

brotherly love and all of that

You know the amazing company called Living Social, right? They are in cities all over the world and the send out daily emails with amazing deals ranging from restaurants, to hair/nail salons, to fun adventures and nearly anything you can think of. I've bought certificates to stationary stores, clothing stores, restaurants, nails, etc. Usually they are at least 50% off the price. Example- last week, I paid $25 for a parafin mani AND pedi at a local nail salon. Whats not to love about that?! Exactly. Nothing. It's amazing.
I get emails for Baltimore and Richmond too, since they aren't too far away, and this morning, I signed up for Philadelphia, which is really only about two hours away, same distance as Richmond! Today's daily deal in Philly was this- wine and dinner for two at GiGi restaurant in downtown Philly. This restaurant is owned by Stephenie LaGrossa, who was on Survivor three times. I'm such a dork, but I love Survivor and she was one of my favorites of all of the seasons that I've watched, which is most of them! I'm sure she isn't there often, but I'd love to see her there! I thought this was too good a deal to pass up, and I've been wanting to take a little road trip to Philly anyway. I've really only been there once, in college, for like four hours (long story, maybe I'll tell you another day), and there is so much to see there! In fact, my crazy boyfriend drove to Philly last night because Donald Rumsfeld was doing a book signing there! He left at 4pm and was home at 11pm! Yes, he's insane.
I'm excited about this though, and yes, I know I am insane too :)
Is Living Social (or its competitor Groupon) in your city? What deals have you bought?


The Life of Susan said...

ooohh i'm so glad you posted this! i've been meaning to sign up for living social and this deal is too good to pass up. i'm only a 40 min train ride from philly and this will be a great date night for us! i clicked on your link when i made the purchase. 2 more and you could get your deal for free. ;)

Anonymous said...

I bought a deal for a mani/pedi and only had to pay $7 because I had a credit. It was the best $7 I've spent! My toes are still looking really awesome. I had a friend buy the same coupon and we went together.

how i met your father blog said...

i've never been to gigi, but i almost bought that deal!!
i LOVE living social and groupon... but have done a few living socials and ADORE!!

Jules said...

I’m signed up for Living Social and must have completely missed that deal. It sounds like a good one too. I hope you enjoy it!