Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Madrona Road mini quilt!

Over the weekend, I finished another sewing project! The DC Modern Quilt Guild is taking part in a project organized by the Modern Quilt Guild involving a new line of fabric called Madrona Road by a designer called Michael Miller. Each Modern Quilt Guild across the country (and world!) was sent little bundles of this fabric, and each person wanting to take part could make whatever they wanted, as long as they used just this fabric, and no other, other than adding solids if needed. No patterns by any other designer.

Of course I wanted to take part, but I didn't know what to make....I get intimidated at times like this, but pressure is good sometimes, right? So, I decided to make a bookshelf mini quilt, as found here. I've done this one before, and I just love it!  

My little bundle of fabrics:

The quilt top, finished: 

Finally, finished! It's small, but I love it.
So, it will hang on the wall in my sewing room, I think. 

It was definitely fun to take part in this challenge.
Thank you to Michael Miller for donating these fabrics to the Modern Quilt Guilds!



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