Friday, November 21, 2008

my new penpal!

A couple of months ago, I posted about an organization called In2Books, where I had signed up to be a penpal with a child and discuss books that we'd read "together." By that, I mean that we are nowhere near each other, but read books at the same time, and then discuss them via online letters. Tonight I got my first "letter" from my penpal- his name is Therrion and his favorite food is shrimp :) I don't know what book we'll be reading yet, but I am really excited about it. If you didn't before, go take a look! It seems like such a neat project, and I am really excited about getting involved with it.

In that previous post, Sara asked what happened to real life penpals, which I think is a very good question. As you may have gathered from my contest, I am a HUGE letter writer. I lovelovelove finding mail in my mailbox that isn't a credit card bill (or a birthday card to a friend that was returned to me for having the incorrect zipcode....oooops!), and I love sending notes to others. When I was younger, I LOVED penpals and I had many. I remember when I was in 4th grade, there was a trip to Lithuania by a group of high school students and they brought back some addresses for students and I got one and had her as a penpal. Her name was Vera and I loved hearing about her life and how different it was from mine. Sadly, as it happens, we lost touch, but I think of her and credit her for my love of letter writing!

So yes, while email and blogs take over the world, I proudly remain a loyal supporter of the US Postal System!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! Three cheers for the US postal service!

I, too, had penpals. One in Sweden, one in France, and one in Poland. I'm sorry to inform you that I'm still harboring a bit or resentment against the polish girl. Her name was Asia, and she wrote the nicest letters; she asked for my picture once, though, and it was all over. I had seriously unfortunate school pictures. And I mean SERIOUSLY. Big, big hair. Bright colored clothes. I blame my mother for (a) the circumstances surrounding the poor quality of the photos; and (b) convincing me that they were actually really cute.

I kept writing her after that, but never got anything back, ever again. Ah, the insecurity of those awkward pre-teen years!

Anonymous said...

I was so inspired by your excitement for In2books I signed up to be a penpal too! But...I still have not been assigned someone. How long did yours take?

Manderz said...

I just found your blog...and I was excited to find someone else you loves getting mail and had lots of penpals.

I look forward to future posts. :-)