Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I retract my statement

Okay, perhaps yesterday's post was a bit harsh on my end. I apologize if I offended anyone. I saw the article on cnn and for some reason, it hit a nerve with me, and I wrote that post rather quickly, without necessarily thinking it through. As I saw people's comments, I thought about it a bit more and decided I made a rash decision.

Like I said, education is one of the most important issues to me, and yes, I agree with some that it is a very personal decision, one that cannot be made lightly. So, if he thinks that that school is best for his daughters, then it must be. If he wins the Presidency, I hope he follows through with what he says and really does something for public schools, because so many of them really need an overhaul.


wafelenbak said...

I don't think you should apologize for what you said yesterday. I understand where you were coming from. It's a knee-jerk reaction for a lot of people to defend their candidate of choice.
As long as we keep having open dialogue, this country is in good shape. When we start to fear speaking our minds, that's bad news.

Anonymous said...

Just because something was perceived to be harsh doesn't mean it needs a retraction, I don't think. The your thoughts weren't as thought-out as you'd have wanted doesn't make them less valid, and the fact that what you said offended people only your words MORE valid, I think. What's the value of free speech if we keep our mouths shut? That's all I'm saying. Write on.

Anonymous said...

aaaand sorry for all the typos in that last comment. this girl needs to step AWAY from the computer screen. She's been staring at it for far too long : )

an orange county girl said...

oh no. you should retract this post. everyone has a right to speak/type their mind and you did just that. a blogger at the NY times shared your sentiment too so you're in good company. if we don't speak up about the issues, how will we learn more about them? don't worry about it.

Lauren said...

You were definitely fine with what you said yesterday! It's your blog, write what you want! I do 100% agree with you, though. Education is the number one priority for me as well and I just want the best for our country. I guess we'll see what happens.