Thursday, April 2, 2009


So Monday night, we are having two of Steve's coworkers over for dinner. They are both very cool, I've met them many times and hung out with them. One of them, actually, has a band and just finished a European tour! He's so good, we've gone to many of their concerts.

Now I am trying to decide what to make for dinner! I know I have zillions of cookbooks, as you've seen, but I thought I'd ask if you had any favorite recipes you might suggest.

Ready, set, go!


Ohmygoshi said...

Oh, you need to check out the Pioneer Woman. She has so many awesome recipes. The one I've been DYING to make is Penne a la Betsy! Penne? mmm
Shrimp? mmmm
Tomato cream sauce mmmmmm

Penne a la Betsy

If you make it, let me know how it goes!

Maxie said...

I have an awesome recipe for this pasta with...well honestly I can't remember what it has. Chicken and cheese I think? I'm not sure, but it was WAY easy. Email me if you want me to send it over b/c it's super long

ihatesomuch (at) gmail (dot) com