Friday, May 9, 2008

It is raining. A lot. I heard something about a flood watch? Right, and I am wearing cottonish ballet flats today. Brilliant, Lexiloo, just brilliant.

As I walked to my office from the Dupont North metro stop, I jumped to avoid puddles, which didn't do much, since I mostly landed in others. Then, walking down Corcoran, I was splashed by a car. Wanker! Yes, I yelled that at the car, who was unlikely to have heard me, and probably didn't care much anyway.

So, the logical thing to do was order a pair of adorable wellies from when I got to work, since a. I obviously need them, and b. I was economically stimulated today! Yippie for the government!

So, the boots? Tres adorable, no?
Okay, the boots are at the top...I don't know why I can't get the picture down here where I want it...stupid blogspot! I'm new at sorry!
Right, this weekend is Learnapalooza DC....
Fun? I think so! I think that the lovely Heidi and I are going to the Intro to Knitting class! I've always wanted to learn, so I think this will be fun. In DC? Want to knit? Come learn with us!
Since it is Friday, rainy and I am now miraculously richer, thanks to the US gov, maybe I will get lunch somewhere fun.....any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I really want some red rainboots!

Lauren said...

I really want rainboots as well. I love those!!